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Michael Zavros: “Everyone wanted to be alternative but they all looked the same.”

“I just make the stuff and I have no interest in defending it.”

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Multiple Perspectives: an interview with Wenmin Li

Luise Guest meets Wenmin Li and discusses perspectives, painting and Hockney…

Tianli Zu: The Power of the Shadow

Luise Guest spoke with Sydney-based, Chinese-born artist Tianli Zu on the eve of the exhibition In Possible Worlds at 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art…

Richard Bell: “An ostrich will bury its head in the sand”

Sharne Wolff interviewed Richard Bell. He gave answers. She wrote them down.

Laurens Tan: “Art as a Vehicle for Thinking”

Luise Guest interviews Laurens Tan, who explains “The simple answer must be yes”.

Art & War

Art & War

Interviews Feb 05, 2013

Sharne Wolff talks to Ben Quilty about war, art, inspiration and art world politics…

Victoria Reichelt – Objects in Danger

“I look at objects that are in danger of becoming obsolete…”

Names Withheld | George Raftopoulos

Sharne Wolff chats with Sydney painter George Raftopoulos…

Tamara Dean | Only Human

Sharne Wolff chats with Tamara Dean about her new show, her influences and ‘environmental composition’…

Exploring Pattern

Energy, space and colour – Sharne Wolff chats to Lionel Bawden about his latest exhibition Pattern Spill…