Email: You are an Art Life reader who has signed up for our weekly email that alerts readers to new posts. You appreciate being kept in touch with “what’s happening” and value the extra work that goes into creating the additional jokes, puns, literary allusions and obscure quotes contained therein. Sadly, you have stopped receiving them. What’s gone wrong? You are someone with a TPG or iPrimus account or work at The Biennale of Sydney. Your server thinks our emails are spam and there is nothing we can do about it. Send us an email with an alternative address.
Sites: We are always looking to expand our list of links to artist pages, web projects or artist run galleries. Send us an email with the details. We won’t be including garish commercial sites that offer bad art at a discount so please, don’t bother. You know who your are.
Posting Links: Although we encourage the free-for-all that is the Comments pop up, we would like to ask our readers to post links sparingly. We can’t track our traffic from those links so if you’d like to recommend a site, send us an email and we’ll link from the main page.
Best Month Ever: This month saw The Art Life achieve its best month ever with close to 5,000 unique hits taking the grand total to over 45,000 hits since February 2004. You made this happen! Thank you.