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stella rosa mcdonald

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Alex Vivian, Rasberry Honesty School | Claire Lambe
Sonic Network No. 14

Visual interpretations of sound.



Art Life , Exhibitions Jul 06, 2015

The rolling movement of paint on the surface of plywood…

Hany Armanious

Wrestling with the integrity of the art object and a position as a maker.

Everything and Nothing

A long winding road or in the shadows of an isolated cave…


In butterfly wings and the plumage of birds, stacks of iridescent colours appear to imitate the dazzling palette of the natural world.

Amorphous Basin

Complex, lyrical phrases where light acts as a substitute for consonants and vowels.

Tanagras Archive: The Discrete Charm of the Bourgeoisie

Ancient and modern, serial and fake…


A spectral laboratory…

See you at the barricades

Why do we continue to present histories in linear ways?