“In the cool of the day is a series of landscape paintings in response to a winter sojourn in the South Island of New Zealand. Each dawn and dusk I purposed to encounter the wild deserted beauty – to wait and discover the romance of the changing skies. The broodiness, intense light, sheer mountain ranges, endless horizons, and the depth and peace of the lakes, coupled with the quiet, began to mirror my inner world. It became a reflective journey into poetic space. Being so changeable, clouds and skies seem to encapsulate emotions in their various stages of flux. I have sought to capture this through a fluid paint application. The result is only partially controlled; this element of creative surprise whilst engaging with the physicality of the paint is like trying to capture a glimpse of an enchanting realm beyond reason” – Carla Hananiah.
Carla Hananiah, In The Cool of the Day, until 13th October, Edwina Corlette Gallery, Brisbane.
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