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The kind of thing you might buy at Bunnings…

Comrade-in-blog Iconophilia brought to our attention an unofficial kind of war art… Unofficial war art? War zone street art? Even if you’re familiar with the work of recent official Australian war artists (for example, in war zones, Charles Green and

Nick Terrell casts a critical eye over the pop cultural amnesia of Anthony Lister, Ben Frost and Franck Gohier…

Marcus Trimble writes on the architectural vision of Christopher Nolan, from Batman Begins to Inception…

Arts writer and critic Tracey Clement has recently launched her own blog. Unfettered by editorial guidelines she’s now free to voice her opinions, pro and con on art, and share them with the world. Here she reviews Julie Rrap’s latest show…

Artist and musician Simon Hunt publishes one of the best music blogs around – Never Enough Rhodes – writing on jazz, obscure funk oddities and neglected gems of hybridised musical madness. One such forgotten masterpiece is the work of Australian jazz composer John Sangster whose Australia and All That Jazz mixes lite soundtrack – with field recordings. Here hunt explains the background to Sangster’s career and the strange birth of the album…