“[An Incomplete World: Works from the UBS Art Collection] is dominated by fashionable photo-artists such as Morimura, Andreas Gursky, Thomas Ruff, Thomas Struth and Cindy Sherman. All have made their names in the arena of contemporary art, where their large, glossy pictures are valued for their conceptual qualities, or perhaps the way they fill a wall in a modern apartment.
Most professional photographers are mystified by the success of these banal or grossly theatrical images. Gursky’s 1999 photograph of an American 99 cent store may have sold for more than $US3 million at auction but it is the kind of picture anyone with a good camera and a passing acquaintance with Photoshop could have taken. The art lies in the laboratory, which has allowed the artist to produce a print more than three meters long.”
John McDonald, Money slips into the picture, Spectrum, Sydney Morning Herald. May 26-27, 2007.