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Ryan O’Donnell considers two new exhibitions at Artspace – Ms&Mr’s Grandfather Paradox and Sam James’s Amygdala: Fear Conditioning… One is great, another is perhaps not so great…

Din Heagney spoke to Carly Fischer before her opening night this week at Helen Gory Galerie in Prahran, and asked her about some of the ideas she has developed in her travels from Melbourne to Tokyo to Berlin and back again…

Proliferation fills the gallery space with hundreds of feathers so the room appears to be bursting at the seams as hidden stuffing spews forth, feathers trail down the walls and explode out of the cracks between floorboards…

In Cappuccino Wilderness Safari, I seek to investigate how the twin-concerns of celebrity and status are expressed through bourgeois tendencies to “life-stylise”. By utilising the encoded aesthetics of suburbia – specifically those of the new-urban ‘gated community’ and the ubiquitous chain ‘coffee-house’ – I attempt to construct a fictionalised narrative of “the wild”.

In her debut column as The Art Life’s lead art critic Wendy Meares visits Gallery Barry Keldoulis’s gallery and Sally Breen’s Breenspace gallery…

Our Melbourne Affairs Editor Din Heagney reckons Linden is one of the few decent inner southside galleries left in Melbourne these days. Inside he finds a range of astro-turf delights…

Louise Morrison and Matt Dickmann, Mr Ernest J. Langridge’s Resignation, 2009. Found objects and painted steel. Mr Ernest J. Langridge’s Resignation, detail. “Mr Ernest J. Langridge’s Resignation is one of the artworks in the Show Character exhibition held at the

“The Hosts: A Masquerade Of Improvising Automatons extends Wade Marynowsky’s development of custom-built robotics and interactive, performative media. In this installation, Marynowsky explores roboticist Masahiro Mori’s theory outlined in The Uncanny Valley (1970), which suggests that in designing humanoid robots