Adam Norton, Installation view, Airlock Release Panel (Aliens), 2016 synthetic polymer on canvas, 36 x 28 cm with Airlock Doors (Space 1999), 2016, synthetic polymer on canvas, 240 x 240 cm.
“By painting significant props from influential childhood science fiction films and TV, Adam Norton has referenced a number of these special science fiction moments, when the individual narratives deal with the interface between the inside and outside of deep space. Together they turn the gallery into a ‘Loading Bay’ of science fiction’s past; the jumping off point for a generation of science fiction obsessed kids.
“Adam Norton’s work explores the effects of technology on the human condition. He repurposes scientific ideas from the recent past and the near future in an attempt to map out the mental and geographical landscape of our present. Using paint, print, film and 3D installation, he uses art to present the most interesting narratives and ideas about where we come from, where are we are and where we might be going. He uses the narrative of technology and science fiction as an architecture on which to hang his own ideas about mankind’s role in the universe.”