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This one is on us…

Since the Ancient Greek philosopher Aristophanes proclaimed: “Quickly, bring me a beaker of wine, so that I may whet my mind and say something clever” the Western world has linked creativity to intoxication in various ways.

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Art Life , Op-ed Oct 01, 2010

You just don’t understand. They only thing more difficult than being an unsuccessful artist is being a successful one…

Hey good lookin

Hey good lookin

Art Life , Op-ed Sep 17, 2010

There’s beautiful, ugly and fugly – Carrie Miller ponders the rise of the good lookin’ artist…

A terrible gap

A terrible gap

Art Life , Op-ed Aug 27, 2010

Wendy & Eric Meares have an extensive collection of art that they’ve built up over many years. In her latest post for The Art Life, Wendy offers some insights into smart collecting, the art of valuation and how to make a decision…

Biennale of Sydney: more popular than ever

Invited to assess the 2010 Biennale of Sydney for a forum at the UNSW College of Fine Art, Andrew Frost found it harder to make up his mind than he had thought…

F*** Me Dead: Folk Modernism and the return of Grunge

Art Life contributor and cultural commentator Carrie Miller has been invited to present a paper at the inaugural Not Fair. In this sneak preview of the talk she’s giving on Saturday August 7 at 2 pm, Miller threads a line of yarn between the work of Jake Walker, Grunge of the early ’90s and radical knitting…

Gift Horses

Gift Horses

Art Life , Op-ed Jul 23, 2010

Carrie Miller wonders if the downside of art philanthropy is really worth it…

Futon world

Futon world

Art Life , Op-ed Jul 09, 2010

It may be a small world after all but within it there are a multitude of smaller ones that you can visit on the net and in person – most concerned with banal goods and services such as hardware and soft furnishings. Carrie Miller looks for the art world…

School of Cliche

The School of Saatchi is a reality show for art with a brace of contestants vying to ‘win’. At home, Carrie Miller is swearing at the TV…

An investment in cultural capital

The very thing that will probably frustrate some in the contemporary art world about White Rabbit is also its consolation: an obsession with surfaces, writes Carrie Miller.