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Andrew Frost remembers openings, drinks, taxis – a typical Tuesday night…

In a recent talk given at the National Sculpture Factory, Cork, John Kelly ponders the relationship between artists, government funding bodies, the culture of branding – and history…

The very thing that will probably frustrate some in the contemporary art world about White Rabbit is also its consolation: an obsession with surfaces, writes Carrie Miller.

From Ian Houston Robert Henke, also known as Monolake, is a musician, but only just. He explores that area of music on the very edge of becoming sound or perhaps he explores that area of noise, just on the edge

Ian Houston writes from London… The work, entitled Shibboleth 2007, runs the full 167 metres of the cavernous hall on London’s South Bank. It begins as a crack then widens and deepens as it snakes across the room. Colombian artist

The hot summer wind can make things seem awfully confused. There have been several persistent rumours and weird news items doing the rounds of the art world. A fun rumour for 2007 was that Gallery Barry Keldoulis was moving to