Amber Wallis, Still Life Cactus Skelephone Dildo, oil on linen 150x150cm.
Amber Wallis, Dick on the Table, oil on linen 150x150cm.
Amber Wallis, Pink Palm, oil on linen 120x150cm.
Amber Wallis, Loose Still Life with Figure Bowl Cactus, oil on linen 150x150cm.
Amber Wallis, Four, oil on linen 150x150cm.
Amber Wallis, Tight Eagles Nest Still Life, oil on linen 120x150cm.
“Amber Wallis’ recent body of work at Edwina Corlette Gallery revisits themes such as death and the fecundity of life while fundamentally being concerned with the process of painting. The still life is referenced in oblique objects and titling. These still lives refer to both the stillness of life in death but also to her mothers ceramic art practice and how her mother would place objects around the house to paint. These still lives are an ode to the artistic practice of her mother while also as a means to traverse death and fecundity through titles like ‘Dick on the Table’ and ‘Still Life/Cactus, Skelephone and Dildo’. These works reflect an inner world and an ongoing psychological narrative. Despite the signposts of narrative Wallis is fundamentally concerned with the process of painting; underworking vs overworking are hinted at the titling of works ‘Tight’ and ‘Loose’ alluding to process and the building of an image through playing with figure, object and ground, colour and line, scale and the creation of flat space. Mark making is continually informed by previous marks and a constant process of additions is used until the composition is found.”
Amber Wallis: Still Life/Cactus/Skelephone, Edwina Corlette Gallery, Brisbane, 2 June – 20 June, 2015.
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