The Biennale of Sydney has put out an advance brochure that contains the two equations:
art + beauty + empathy = power
power – beauty – empathy = tyranny
Anyone with a primary school understanding of mathematics knows that if you solve these equations for the term ‘art’ you will discover that the claim being made is that
art = tyranny
If the Biennale of Sydney wants to communicate its ideas in the form of equations, perhaps it should run them by someone with a primary school level of numerical literacy before publishing them. Didn’t anyone in the accounts section twig that the Biennale of Sydney is spreading the message throughout the world that art equals tyranny???
Here is the mathematical solution:
art + beauty + empathy = power
art + empathy = power – beauty
art = power – beauty – empathy
given already that power – beauty – empathy = tyranny
then it follows
art = tyranny