Dutch Ruff
Richard Bot with Dutch ruff
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Serene Sunday
Lady Bot (after John Singer Sergent)
Bacchus Bear
“These paintings by Janelle Thomas respond to situations of the human condition by portraying retro tin toy robots and other toys in scenes that parallel early 1600s Simmenfeesten paintings. Those Dutch ‘monkey trick’ paintings and 18th Century French Singerie art satirically aped human behaviour. This playful treatment of human circumstances can draw attention to how remote each person is to the life experiences of another, and to the veils, outward appearances and imagined projections that people carry through daily life. These works invite a deeper engagement and offer solace through company with wry humour. Janelle learnt drawing and painting at the Julian Ashton Art School; Charlie Sheard Studio School; Studio Escalier, France; with Ted Seth Jacobs in Belgium; and now, Master of Art, COFA. Janelle was awarded the Henry Bucks Commendation Prize at the Mosman Art Prize in 2013 and is currently hung in the Portia Geach Memorial Award, S H Ervin Gallery.”